Data, Models and Morphisms: On Suppes’s Intuitive Structuralism


  • José Luis Rolleri Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro



models of data, partial substructure, intended interpretation, empirical content


In this paper I analyze certain concepts of Patrick Suppes’ intuitive structuralism, in particular that of model of data, in order to give a reply to Muller’s critique to Suppes that the set-theoretical axiomatization of a physical theory involves the loss of its empirical content. With that intention, before, I try a formal improvement of Suppes’ propose on how the models of experiments are connected with thetheoretical models.


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How to Cite

Rolleri, J. L. (2014). Data, Models and Morphisms: On Suppes’s Intuitive Structuralism. Metatheoria – Journal of Philosophy and History of Science, 4(2), 1–8.


