About the Journal

Metatheoria is an open access scientific journal issued by the Graduate Program in Philosophy and History of Science of the National University of Tres de Febrero (UNTREF) and the Center of Studies in Philosophy and History of Science (CEFHIC) of the National University of Quilmes (UNQ).

Metatheoria publishes manuscripts in the field of Philosophy of Science―including not only systematic, synchronic, and formal Philosophy of Science, but also historical, diachronic approaches to the field as well as Historical Epistemology, or History of Science from a philosophical point of view―in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

Conceptual precision, rigour and originality are essential to any work accepted for publication.

Metatheoria appears twice a year on April and October.

This publication is of interest for researchers in philosophy and history of science, and also for scientists and individuals involved in science education and public communication, in addition to lay people and politicians that use science.

Metatheoria does not charge fees for submitting, processing, publishing or reading manuscripts.

Metatheoria is indexed and catalogued in: Scopus, EBSCOHost, MIAR, Latindex Catálogo 2.0, Philosopher's Index, PhilPapers, RIDAA, ROAD, Crossref, Dialnet, REDIB.


Current Issue

Vol. 14 No. 1 (2023): Special Volume - From Philosophy of Evolution to Philosophy in an Evolutionary Key: Reflections on the Work of Michael Ruse - Part II
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