The Freudian Theory of Hysteria. A Nominalist Reconstruction


  • César Lorenzano Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF)



Freud, hysteria, psychoanalysis, metatheoretical structuralism, physicalism, nominalism


Dora, an 18-years young girl, goes with her father to Freud’s clinic, because of several close to disabling signs and symptoms: “tussi nervosa”, aphonia, appendicitis attacks, etc. that Freud diagnoses as hysteria. During the treatment, he discovers that Dora has full knowledge of human sexuality, even of so-called perversions. She is in love with Mr. K, with Mrs. K, probably with her own father, she has intense relationships with other females, and she dreams with houses that catch fire. While retelling their interviews, Freud builds his psychoanalytical conception of hysteria. From that material ― and following the distinctions of the structuralist view ― I extract its components and fundamental laws, using them to describe Dora and the other cases of hysteria that resemble this paradigmatic case. This reconstruction of the Freudian theory of hysteria is carried without using ― or starting with ― the description of abstract mathematical structures, as usually happens in structuralism. Briefly, it is a reconstruction of the applications of the theory that complies with all the usual requirements of a structural analysis. In this way I solve some ontological tensions of this conception, showing that it can be developed with an ontological and epistemological monism proper of a physicalist and nominalist approach.


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How to Cite

Lorenzano, C. (2015). The Freudian Theory of Hysteria. A Nominalist Reconstruction. Metatheoria – Journal of Philosophy and History of Science, 6(1), 1–20.