Biology, Reification and Transdisciplinarity: Towards a Critical Approach of Scientific Ontologies and Conflicts
reification, expertise, transdisciplinary, axiology, philosophy of biologyAbstract
The problems analyzed by biologists are most often presented as complex and requiring inter-transdisciplinary approaches. In this paper we claim that it is necessary to evaluate how we build ontologies within biology and how we can know them, especially given the current blurring of the figure of the expert and -at least its partial fusion with other roles such as the technologist, the entrepreneur, the activist, the manager, etc. To achieve this, we recover and expand the category of reification and engage in a dialogue with metaphysics, epistemology, social epistemology, social and cultural studies and political, social and economic concerns of biology. With this critical approach we endorse several principles able to nurture and expand the discussion on the inter-transdisciplinary research in both their semantic versions and those focusing on the practical and political aspects of science.
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