Decoherence and Intertheory Relations in Quantum Realism


  • Nahuel Sznajderhaus National University of Ireland



realism, quantum mechanics, decoherence, quantum-classical limit


The complex relation between quantum mechanics and classical mechanics is crucial in the philosophy of modern physics, and it cuts across current quantum physics. This paper is divided in two parts. In the first part I will offer a critical analysis of the role that decoherence plays in the account of the quantum-classical limit. In the second part I will mention three ways in which philosophers are engaging with the realist interpretation of quantum mechanics in light of the assessment that the problem of the quantum-classical limit is still open to debate. My main claim is that the problem of the quantum-classical limit is overrated and it receives too much attention for the realist who looks at quantum mechanics. The question that the realist wants to focus on is the crucial interpretation question: what is a quantum system?


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Como Citar

Sznajderhaus, N. (2019). Decoherence and Intertheory Relations in Quantum Realism. Metatheoria – Revista De Filosofia E História Da Ciência, 9(2), 95–110.