A Reconstruction of Food Regime Theory. Part I
food regime, category theory, morphism, modelAbstract
The present paper is the first part of a larger text aimed at reconstructing Food Regime Theory (TRA), by means of an apparatus derived from category theory. This first installment discusses why it has been decided to address this reconstruction and why a diagrammatic tool has been selected to do so. TRA is described in general terms: a perspective that periodizes the capitalist mode of production of the last one hundred and fifty years, in relation to the production and world trade of basic foods. Given that TRA is restricted to the capitalist food trade of the last century and a half, the issue of whether it is an empirical theory or another type of cognitive product is also discussed. After this, a brief yet thorough account is given regarding the reconstructive apparatus used in the second part of the text. Although said instrument is based on category theory, more specifically on the category of sets, the reconstruction is within the scope of Structuralist Metatheory, and does not propose to develop a different categorical metatheory. In any case, the final pages of this first part mention some initiatives of other authors that suggest a different categorical metatheory.
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