Looking for Conditions of Adequacy for the Reconstruction of Theories
reconstruction of theories, philosophy of linguistics, mentalism, ChomskyAbstract
In philosophy of special sciences is necessary to have criteria of justification of the proposed reconstructions. But the philosophers have dedicated a lot of time to the justification of theories and little to the justification of the reconstructions of theories. I propose, for specifying the criteria of justification of reconstructions, an analogy with the process of justification of grammars in the environment of linguistics, and I compare the language-grammar of language-general theory stratification of that process with the theory-reconstruction of the theory-metatheory stratification corresponding to the process of justification of reconstructions. The development of this analogy will face the establishment of external conditions and of internal conditions of adequacy of reconstructions. I will defend a principle of structural dependence of ontology and epistemology. By means of this principle it will be analyzed basic aspects of particular linguistic theories from the point of view of mentalism and of Platonism.
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