Is It Possible to Establish a Quantum Arrow of Time Based on the Collapse Hypothesis?


  • Cristian López Universidad de Buenos Aires/CONICET
  • Sebastian Fortin CONICET/FCEN, Universidad de Buenos Aires



arrow of time, collapse hypothesis, quantum mechanics, measurement


The problem of the arrow of time, from a physical point of view, seeks to ground our temporal intuitions on the asymmetrical features of the physical laws, particularly, based on the temporal invariance property. Within quantum mechanics it has been argued that is possible to establish an arrow of time turning to “the collapse hypothesis” or “the reduction of the wave-function”, especially when measurement processes are brought about: the collapse hypothesis would be a non-invariant law under the time reversal operation belonging to the quantum theory. This fact would allow establishing an objective asymmetry in the physical world: quantum systems collapse but not discollapse. The aim of this work is to argue that this approach proves to be unsuccessful, pointing out that it seems not possible to ground temporal asymmetry on the collapse hypothesis.


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How to Cite

López, C., & Fortin, S. (2019). Is It Possible to Establish a Quantum Arrow of Time Based on the Collapse Hypothesis?. Metatheoria – Journal of Philosophy and History of Science, 9(2), 69–82.