The Königsberg’s Symposium on Foundations of Mathematics in Perspective
foundations of mathematics, 20th century philosophy of mathematics, Vienna Circle, Gödel theoremsAbstract
This volume of Metatheoria includes translations into Spanish of the three famous papers on the schools in foundations of mathematics, logicism, intuitionism and formalism, presented at the Königsberg’s Symposium on Foundations of Mathematics in September 1930 and finally published in the journal Erkenntnis in 1931. The three papers constituted a milestone in the Philosophy of Mathematics of the last century. In this introduction to the translations, the editors of the volume outline the historical context in which the original papers were conceived and they include some details concerning their original publication. They also stress the decisive role played by the papers in the philosophy of mathematics in the last century. A summary of them is provided and the underlying ideas of the Vienna Circle on the nature of mathematics and the impact of Gödel theorems in the foundations programs are discussed. Moreover, they briefly introduce the original contributions to the volume that follow the translations.
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