Life in a Neoliberal Era: The OECD and the Development of Bioeconomy in Mexico
bioeconomy , OECD, INMEGEN, technosocial, neoliberalAbstract
The “bioeconomy” is a model of economic growth based on biotechnological development. In recent years, the OECD has recommended bioeconomy as a way to solve environmental, health and social problems. It is documented that the OECD has the means to influence decision-making processes in its member countries. Recently, the development of biotechnology in Mexico registered two important events that are the passing of the Seed Law and the construction of INMEGEN. Both belong to a national agenda to inscribe Mexico into the economy of knowledge. Through the analysis of videos and documents it is possible to trace the influence of the OECD in these events. The analysis helps us to understand why unfulfilled promises cause no damage to the bioeconomy project. Thus, it is fundamental to consider the effect of transnational organisms when looking at the national development of biotechnology and genomics.
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