The Place of Philosophy of Agronomy in the Field of Philosophy of Life Sciences


  • Francisco Javier Serrano-Bosquet Tecnológico de Monterrey
  • Eva Luisa Rivas Sada Tecnológico de Monterrey



philosophy of agronomy, agricultural production, philosophy of science


The main goal of this paper is to call attention on the need to establish, in a formal and collegiate manner, the foundations of a Philosophy of Agronomy as a new branch stemming from the Philosophy of Life Sciences. This paper proposes a set of principles that could function as common ground onto which this centered philosophy could develop. We begin by analyzing why, despite the presence of several works on agronomy that approach to epistemological, ontological, and ethical matters, we cannot talk about a formally constituted Philosophy of Agronomy. We also address the issue of why social studies on science and technology are insufficient in order to achieve a deep understanding of the agronomic phenomenon, and inquire about the basic elements to consider this new philosophical field. Additionally, we show why we consider it a sort of genitive philosophy which should develop around two types of modulations, an objective and a subjective one, and we explain both of them. Lastly, we propose some of the first steps to be taken and some of the long-term goals that we wish our academic community to achieve.


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How to Cite

Serrano-Bosquet, F. J., & Rivas Sada, E. L. (2014). The Place of Philosophy of Agronomy in the Field of Philosophy of Life Sciences. Metatheoria – Journal of Philosophy and History of Science, 5(1), 175–186.