Emergent Novelties: A Naturalistic Proposal to Motor Learning
know how, novelty, emergence, self-organization, motor learningAbstract
In this article an epistemological viewpoint is proposed in order to integrate emergent and self-organized thought with studies on learning new motor knowledge. Particularly, it is considered that from a relational and dynamical epistemology the emergent and self-organized activity patterns are necessary conditions for practical novelty arises and become part of human agent’s repertoire of motor skills. According to the approach sustained here, the starting point is the dynamical interaction between the embodied agent and the environment, where those activity patterns are considered relational properties. Particular attention will be paid to the description of the normativity of two aspects –biological and social–, and from distinguish it from a propositional normativity. Furthermore, an operational notion of practical novelty will be introduced, that comes from the modeling with DST. Finally, it is assumed that ontogenetic development plays a crucial role as a valuable variable for the acquisition of practical novelty.
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